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Monday, November 4, 2013

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki Special: Episode 7 Review

Welcome back to our second installment of the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki series reviews, tonight we have episode 7 the special: "The Night Before the Carnival!" This is a special because it was not originally part of the OVA series but was put in as a bridge between OVAs 1 and 2.

"The Night Before the Carnival!"
It is a fine spring morning and we start off with seeing Azaka and Kamidake at the front gate where we left them last time. It has now been a few months since the confrontation with Kagato and it would appear that everything has returned to normal or as normal as it can be with five alien women and a cabbit living in a house with a teenage boy who they are all madly in love with.

Tenchi wakes up to an exhausted looking Ryoko which scares the crap out of him. After regaining his wits, and a trip to the bathroom, Tenchi locks Ryoko outside his room so he could change in peace. While changing Tenchi notices the ring he got that allows him to activate his Juraian battle armor, he tries to take it off but instead activates it. After Tenchi is in his armor a seed falls out out of a fold in the fabric, there is no mention of this seed until now or how he got it. He then walks out into the hall, after changing into earth clothes, where Ayeka and Ryoko were having a stare off of sorts. Tenchi then shows Ayeka the seed and she says it is from one of the royal trees, Tenchi then states that Tsunami said it was Ryu-Oh's seed and had given it to him to give to Ayeka (months after the fact he remembers, really?). So now Ayeka is estacticed and is then seen entering Tenchi's closet under the stairs, which we then learn is Washu's lab (you may be wondering how this is possible, especially when you see how big the lab is on the inside, well Washu placed her lab in sub-space actually and placed the entrance at the door of the closet, if you have more questions feel free to contact the page or leave a comment below). Ayeka asks Washu to build her a container to grow Ryu-Oh in, after refusing to do so unless Ayeka called her Little Washu and a little joking, Washu accepts and is seen beginning to work on the project.

Next we visit the Ryo-Ohki's fields where Tenchi works looking around at the vastly large field it is hard to believe that Tenchi does all the work himself. The scene quickly changes to Ryoko, Mihoshi, and Sasami in the living room. Ryoko becomes curious about what the other two are doing, it turns out they are reading comics for girls or shojo manga. Sasami tells Ryoko that they are a handbook for gaining the love of someone earth-style.

We now revisit or favorite little genius in her lab to find out what happened to our friend Tenchi. Unfortunately he has found himself in quite a little predicament; Washu has him strapped down with wires attached to him. It turns out that Washu is harmlessly taking data samples from Tenchi, she is doing this to find out more about his Light Hawk wings and material conversion ability. But there is one sample left, the "most important one" in fact.

You should probably be able to tell what sample she is talking about, but if not I'll tell you: sperm sample. In order to get this sample Washu decides to dress up as a nurse (this is kind of a fetish of hers that even appears in the other Tenchi Muyo! continuities). This is one of the more perverted scenes in this episode, Washu makes comments about Tenchi's dick and is even seen grabbing and jerking it (NOTE: there is no nudity in this scene don't worry). Washu's fun is cut short when Mihishi arrives, by accident, to get everyone for breakfast. When Mihoshi asks Washu what she is doing Washu replies "we're just playing doctor" (this is also said in the second special: episode 13.5 "Here Comes Jurai 2"). 

After breakfast, which everyone but Sasami missed, Ryoko has finished reading a stack of shojo manga and begins employ what she has learned on Tenchi. I will not go into details during this part, mainly because: 1. there is a lot of detail 2. I'm a lazy ass 3. I'm sure you guys don't like long reviews. If you know shojo manga you know the jest of what they do, if not you can go to our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Anime-Central/231887816966996 to see photos with quotes in the descriptions that should give you an idea of what is going on. Well after witnessing the premature ending of Ryoko's attempts at wooing Tenchi earth-style, at the hands of Mihoshi of course, and the discovery of her nephew's library of shojo manga, Ayeka decides to join in on the fun and try to woo Tenchi herself (Nobuyuki is technically Ayeka's nephew in law since he married Yosho's, or Katsuhito's, daughter). 

After the girls' first attempt to woo our main character they decide to do some more "research", after a failed stalking attempt mind you, where the two employ new tactics that fail before they can even be used on Tenchi (how sad, and they tried so hard too). *sigh* Back to the shojo manga for answers it would seem, this time Ryoko shows Tenchi a page that says they are the perfect match, while Ayeka has one that says that the love that is found now is an eternal love.The two then continue to try and woo Tenchi until he states that the books they have been using are at least ten-years-old, bummer for them. But my favorite red head has arrived with one that is "hot off the press" and states that both Ryoko and Ayeka are the worst matches with Tenchi and that the true "perfect match" is no other than her. 

This ushers in plan B or really plan E for Ryoko and for Ayeka it would also be plan E. For Ryoko's plan E she has decide to work on Tenchi's grandfather, while Ayeka has decided to write a love letter for Tenchi from a school girl who wants to talk to him "after school" (the ironic part is that Tenchi actually dropped out of school when he meet the three original girls in the first two episodes, if you want to know a theory of why he decided to drop out please contact the page or leave a comment I will be more than happy to explain). After both of their plans failed, Ryoko's was stopped by Mihoshi again however Ayeka's was foiled by Ryo-Ohki eating all the carrots forcing Tenchi to go back to work in the fields forgetting about the letter, the two decide to make a pact where they will work together to get Mihoshi back to the GP for awhile and to seal Washu up in her lab for the night, this couldn't go wrong in any way. 

Well for Ryoko's part she used Kastuhito's phone to call the Masaki home as Mihoshi's supervisor to get her to leave earth and make her report, Ayeka was able to get Mihoshi to ask Washu to find her shuttle that entered sub-space when she crashed (Washu does this with ease as well as defeat the monster Ryoko created in episode 4 that was with the ship). Mihoshi then leaves and off scene Ryoko and Ayeka place a seal on Washu's door, Ryoko then ties up Ayeka to prevent her from stopping Ryoko from being (intimate) with Tenchi. During a fight between Ryoko and Ayeka, after she escapes, Sasami has a nightmare, the poor thing, and goes to sleep in Tenchi's room with him. It would also turn out that Washu was the first one in there and had already made plans with Tenchi to sleep there with him, you could imagine Ryoko's and Ayeka's expressions when they found this out, or you could look at the photos on facebook when I finish uploading them. The episode ends with Mihoshi crashing into the Masaki house and forcing everyone to sleep over in Washu's lab, also Ryu-Oh has sprouted and Ryo-Ohki is talking to it.

Like the first OVA I enjoyed the plot, and the "plot". I thought this served as a perfect transition into the second OVA and can't think of watching the OVAs without it here. I give this anime a 10/10 even though they could done more with elaborating as to why Washu was the first one in Tenchi's room and how she got passed the seal on her door or if she was already in Tenchi's room when that was done. I would have also wanted to know what they were doing before Sasami came in. Other than that it was a good piece that I enjoyed watching and reviewing.

NOTICE: I will be taking a break from Tenchi Muyo! and the next review will for Hellsing and then for Hellsing Ultimate. This will happen in a few weeks, be sure to follow the page on face through the link above to be on top of news and information. Thank you for joining me and see you soon.

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